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"I was once approched by a bad omen. But I have honor on my side. And for all the days of my life it is my weapon. "
- From the scroll of Alatar, 4590 CE
Patch Notes 5th Feb '24
Active Queues will cycle what is available between Arena, CTF 7v7, and CTF 12v12.
Custom lobbies and training modes will also be accessible throughout Next Fest.

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  - Visit the TRIBES 3: Rivals Steam Page, linked here.
  - Download the demo, found underneath the image carousel.
  - Follow us on Steam for updates, patch notes, and future playtests.
  - Wishlist TRIBES 3: Rivals on Steam to be the first to know when we release to Early Access and support the community.

  - Weapons
    - Standardized weapon draw times.
    - Increased knockback on primary weapons.
  - Perks
    - Light Defense
      - Added increased self-knockback.
      - Removed energy gain.

  - Cosmetics and Progression
    - Added an event progression track for Steam Next Fest!
  - Honor Ball renamed to Arena!
    - Arena added back into custom lobbies.
  - CTF
    - 12v12
      - Extended the end of match time to allow for more time to vote for the next map.
      - Added an AFK kick timer.
      - After a match, teams and players will be randomized. Parties will still stay together.
  - Training
    - Shooting Range
      - Reduced load in times to get into the Shooting Range.
    - Practice Arena
      - Added a 1v1 Arena match against an AI opponent.
  - General
    - Players can now go into Time Trials or Shooting Range while they are queued for a match.
    - Added in a toggle setting to set all ally nameplates to be visible at all times.
    - Fixed areas in some maps where players could heal and reload outside of the spawn rooms.
    - Fixed areas in some maps where players could get stuck in the travel conduits.

  - Fixed an issue where players were getting stuck in Conduits.
  - Fixed an issue where players would crash after selecting their skill level.
  - Fixed an issue where the ammo regen perk on Heavy Defense was not working.
  - Fixed an issue where the Recall SFX would keep playing if the recalling player was killed.
  - Fixed an issue where the announcer would continue to play after the match ended.
  - Fixed an issue where the end of match music would play over the in-match music.
  - Fixed an issue where the bomb respawn timer would play after a match ended.
  - Fixed an issue where players would get stuck in a match pending prompt after a custom match.
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